Seats In CHS
Seats In CHS Boys For counselling/Admission Of external candidates :
Central Hindu Boys School Varanasi : BHU SET 2019, 20 ,21, 22, 23 ,24

For class VI : | : No Of Seats = 107 |
For class IX : | : No Of Seats = 104 |
For class XI Maths : | : No Of Seats = 38+50* |
For class XI Bio : | : No Of Seats = 25 |
For XI Arts : | : No Of Seats = 12 |
For XI Commerce: | : No Of Seats = 13 |
For More Details | Note for class XI:
25% of seats in each stream in class XI in the Central Hindu Boys’ School are reserved for candidates who compete through the School Entrance Test. In addition to the 25% seats in each stream in class XI in CHBS, 50* seats are reserved for Maths group only for external candidates except BHU category through SET. In Central Hindu Girls’ School 17 seats in Maths, 16 seats in Biology, 25 seats in Commerce and 40 seats in arts are reserved in class XI for candidates who compete through the School Entrance Test. However possibility of number of seats for external candidates in both the schools in addition to the above may increase depending upon the availability of seats after the admission of internal candidates. In CHBS there is a also provision of 5 seats in each section of CHBS in category of Paid Seat for class XI only on the basis of merit after the cut off list of general merit in Central Hindu Boys School. (Maths group- 20 seats, Biology group- 10 seats, Commerce group- 5 seats, Arts group- 5seats)
Central Hindu Girls School Varanasi : BHU SET 2019, 20 ,21, 22

For class VI : | : No Of Seats = 70 |
For class IX : | : No Of Seats = 10 |
For class XI Maths : | : No Of Seats = 16 |
For class XI Bio : | : No Of Seats = 17 |
For XI Arts : | : No Of Seats = 40 |
For XI Commerce: | : No Of Seats = 25 |
For More Details | For More Details Vist |
Central Hindu School Entrance Examination 2019
CHBS: VI – 107, IX –
104, XI Maths Stream – 38+50*, XI
Biology Stream – 25, XI Commerce Stream – 13 and XI Arts Stream – 12.
VI – 70, IX – 10, XI Maths Stream – 16, XI Biology Stream – 17, XI Commerce
Stream – 25 and XI Arts Stream – 40.
For More Details About Central Hindu
School Visit : Maa Kamakhya Boys Hostel Website
Dates Of Entrance Test : BHU SET
2019 : Central Hindu School (Boys & Girls)
XI Arts & Commerce :
April 25, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Class XI Biology :
April 26, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Class XI Maths :
April 27, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Class IX :
April 28, 2019
(8 AM to 10 AM)
Class VI :
April 29, 2019 (8 AM to 10 AM)
Date Of SET-2019 Result Declaration : Jun 10, 2019
of Counseling/Admission for external candidates: BHU SET 2019
Class VI :
June 21, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Class IX :
June 22, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Class XI Maths :
June 24, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Class XI Biology :
June 25, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Class XI Arts & Commerce :
June 26, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Class XI Paid Seats (In CHBS
Only) :
June 27, 2019 (8.00 AM to 12.00 Noon)
Writing Doc Source ::
As per the Banaras Hindu University EC resolution dated 29/30 March, 1996, the following reservations will be given for admissions in the seats available* for admission in various classes after giving seats to internal students:-
- 15% seats are reserved for Scheduled Caste candidates. - 7.5% seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe candidates. - The SC/ST candidates are required to produce original certificate and attested photocopy of their caste certificate at the time of counselling from any one of the following authorities stating that the candidate belongs to a SC/ST category.
(a) District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Addl. Deputy
Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate/ City Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.
(b) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Addl. Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate.
(c) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.
(d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides.
(e) Administrator/Secretary to the Administrator/ Development Officer (Lakshadweep Islands).
Candidates must note that Certificate from any other person/authority shall not be accepted in any case. If the candidate happens to belong to SC or ST, his/her caste/tribe must be listed in the appropriate Govt. of India schedule. The Caste Certificate should clearly state: (a) Name of his/her caste/tribe (b) whether he/she belongs to SC or ST (c) District and the State or Union Territory of his/her usual place of residence and (d) the appropriate Govt. of India schedule under which his/her caste/tribe is approved by it as SC or ST.
However, if an SC/ST candidate seeks admission under some other category (for example: PC/Employee Ward etc.) the candidate should satisfy the minimum eligibility requirement for that category.
- 3% seats are reserved for Physically Challenged (PC) candidates.
- The Physically challenged (PC) candidates are required to submit the PC Certificate issued by the Chief Medical Officer or Civil Surgeon of the district of the residence of the candidate at the time of counselling. These candidates shall be allowed provisional admission and then admission shall be confirmed only after they have appeared before Medical Board for OH constituted by Banaras Hindu University and their disability has been duly certified.
- 50% seats available for admission shall be provided to the sons and daughters of permanent employees of Banaras Hindu University subject to securing a minimum of 33% marks in the School Entrance Test. If the candidates are not available under 50% seats reserved for sons and daughters of the University Employees, then the vacant seats will be converted respective Categories of SET candidates.
- The sons and daughters of permanent employees of BHU shall have to submit the employee certificate from LTC Cell, BHU at the time of counselling (except in the case of internal admissions).
* The number of available seats depends upon the internal/board examination results of the schools. Sometimes seats may not be available or their number may be very few in a particular class for external students. This situation should be taken into consideration before applying for the admission test.